Journal of Scientific Research in Education is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Faculty of Women for Arts, Science, and Education, Ain Shams University.

  • Format: Print & Online
  • ISSN: 2356-8348  (print) & E-ISSN 2356-8356 (online)
  • Frequency: The journal is published monthly
  • Open Access: Yes
  • Language: Arabic, English & French
  • Scope: (Education, Educational Psychology, Curriculum and Methods of Teaching, Educational Technology and Child Education)
  • Policy: Double-Blind Peer-reviewing.
  • Contact E-mails:
  • Online submission of manuscripts: New manuscripts are submitted through the website: Hard copy submissions are not accepted.
  • The journal is indexed and abstracted in:
  1. The Arabic Citation Index -ARCI
  2. Publons
  3. Index Copernicus International (Indexed in the ICI Journals Master List)
Current Issue: Volume 25, Issue 9, September 2024, Pages 1-427