The development of research universities in Egypt in the light of the experiences of some countries

Document Type : Original Article



The study aims to identify know the reality of research universities in Egypt, put procedural suggestions to develop the research universities in Egypt by the experience of the United States of America and Singapore. The study has shown a model of the research universities in Egypt, the United States and Singapore. This study has shown some of the difficulties that face the Egyptian research universities and it leads us to know the importance of The relation between the research universities and the overall quality of education and the quality of educational performance, The strategies of the continuous improvement in The university education, The global competitiveness, The progress at the local and international level. It leads us to know how to save the funding and diversify its sources, give Interest to the development and creative curricula and give research universities more independence, flexibility and innovation to do its functions, Expansion of the partnership between the research universities and research centers, Companies, environment to support of research, innovation and creativity to reach to competitive international elite universities


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