Parental acceptance and rejection as the children and its relation to the personal characteristics of adolescent girls in the state of Kuwait

Document Type : Original Article



The objective of the research is to identify the personal characteristics of secondary school students in the state of Kuwait according to the different (rejection / acceptance),The researcher used the descriptive approach, which aims to study the relationship between two or more variables and the current research subject, forcing the researcher to use this method, The researcher in the current researcher relied on a sample of adolescent girls in the secondary stage (421) students who were randomly selected, The researcher used to investigate the research questions Eyseng's list of personality, Arabization (Jaber Abdel Hamid Jaber and Mohammed Fakhr al-Islam), The researcher also used Ronald Reuner's parental consent and rejection questionnaire, The results show that there is no relationship between the students 'awareness of the rejection by the father and the character of the personality (personality / balance) and character (neurosis / balance), while the results show a relationship between the students' awareness of rejection by the mother with the character of personality  Character traits (temperament / balance)


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