The curriculum of the education of the children's senses in Islam and its educational applications (with a proposed program)

Document Type : Original Article



The study aimed to devise The Methodology  of the senses of the child rearing in Islam, and educational applications (with the perception of the proposal).To achieve this goal the researcher used the descriptive methodology and deductive approach, the study included five chapters and a conclusion, included a chapter (the introduction to the study), Introduction, the theme of the study, questions and objectives, its importance, the methodology used, and its borders, terminology, and previous studies. Second chapter included the (childhood and the stages of its development) five themes, addressed the concept of childhood, and their importance and the extent of attention, and responsibility towards it, and stages of child development; beginning stage of embryonic and infancy, kindergarten, and elementary school. Then a summary of the impact of the sensory aspects of other growth, and influence.The third chapter (the foundations of curriculum education senses of the Child in Islam and its applications Education), the two themes, take the first of which the concept of curriculum education senses of the Child in Islam, the second basis upon which this approach with educational applications. The third Chapter included (fields and methods of approach to education senses the Child in Islam and its educational applications) in two themes, the first addressing the areas of education curriculum senses of the Child in Islam with its educational applications, the second-rearing methods senses the Child in Islam and its educational applications. Finally, (proposed program)in the fifth chapter. It was the conclusion of the study, which included the findings and recommendations and proposals.
The results of the study include:
1. The approach of raising the five senses in Islam, starting from the embryonic stage (since the start of creating a fetus in the womb of the mother), and continues to next of ​​the stages, throughout the human life.
2. Approach is characterized by Education of Children in Islam; with both spiritual and material, there is a conflict between what it perceived the five (world of the certificate), and is not aware of (unseen world), but both sides and an integral piece to another.
3. The sense of hearing is the most sense in the processes of education, meaning that a lot of educational methods of audio, from the conversation of the child, ask questions exciting his mind and imagination, and telling the story aimed at him, singing to him, and encouraging words of praise, to make the best educational outcomes.
4. The sense of touch is the most sensitive among the senses for the child, as they sense the most mature and complete, from the moment of child birth to primary school, and in addition to being linked to all aspects of the child's personality affected and influential, but the association with psycho (emotional) more, meaning that the psychological happiness of the child, and emotional comfort; the breeder to the multiplication of educational methods touch.
The main recommendations of the study:
1. The programs include the preparation of kindergarten teachers, in higher education, the decisions on the senses of the child rearing approach in Islam in two sections; theoretical and practical field.
2. Training courses for educators in education in general, and kindergarten teachers in particular, learn about through the research and studies dealing with the Islamic approach in various issues of education, with training to activate and use these approaches in practice.


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