Ego Strength and its Relation to Decision-Making Among Secondary School Female Students in Al Qunfudhah.

Document Type : Original Article



The study aimed at identifying the relationship between the ego strength and decision-making ability among a sample of secondary school female students. The study sample consisted of randomly chosen (800) secondary school female students in Al Qunfudah.
In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher used Ego Strength and Decision-Making Scale prepared by the researcher. She adopted the descriptive correlational method owing to its appropriateness for the nature of the study objectives. In addition, the researcher used the Alpha-Cronbach Stability Coefficient, Person Correlation Coefficient, and Split-Half Method to calculate the scale stability; one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to verify the differences based on demographic variables; averages and standard deviations to measure the levels of study variables among the study sample individuals; and regression analysis to verify the ego strength prediction of decision-making ability among the study sample individuals.
The results of the study revealed a moderate positive correlation between the ego strength and the ability of decision-making among the secondary school female students in Al Qunfudah, where the correlation coefficient was "0.549". The results also showed that the degree of ego strength among the secondary school female students in Al Qunfudah educational district is high in general; the average of overall scores of the sample on the ego strength scale was "3.4" with a standard deviation of "0.37". Moreover, the results showed that the overall decision-making levels among the study sample were high, with an average of "3.4" and a standard deviation of "0.51". 


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