The availability of the technical security understandings in the content of the decision to unite for the second half of the middle class in the Saudi Arab Kingdom

Document Type : Original Article



Security is generally one of the essential needs of man, and the most important type to be highlighted is intellectual security, due to its association with the purposes of law, that keeps the five necessities, namely: religion, life, mind, wealth and birth, and  the focus  intellectual security is linked firstly to religion .
     In order to achieve intellectual security in community, efforts of the society's institutions, including educational institutions should be united because they have the main influence on children and young people; through their programs and activities that help to instill the concepts of intellectual security .
  The role of legal science including: Unitarianism is vital in establishing the security mindset of young people, particularly in the period of adolescence in the intermediate or preparatory and secondary schools.
      Out of the importance of intellectual security, the researcher sought to identify the availability of its concepts in curricula content  of the second grade preparatory in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, through the following:
1 - Identifying the availability of intellectual security concepts in the  content of curricula for second grade preparatory in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
2 - Determining the form of content that were received about intellectual security concepts in Unitarianism course of second grade prep in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
3 – Clarifying  significant differences content  topics of the second grade prep in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in terms of intellectual security concepts contained therein.
 To achieve the objectives of the study; the researcher,  based on descriptive analytical method took the following steps:
1. Exploring the previous studies in the field and the results of seminars and conferences to benefit from the methodology and mechanism for building lists of analysis.
2. Analyzing Islam's position towards intellectual security through educational literature, referring to the sources of legislation and the contributions of Muslim scholars to highlight the role of Islam in the intellectual security achievement in the hearts of its followers.
3 - Reviewing the teaching objectives of  Unitarianism course for the second grade preparatory in Saudi Arabia.
4 - Identifying intellectual security concepts in a list and distributed it according to four themes including forty-five (45) concept.
5 - Judging the list in its initial form by a number of experienced arbitrators to take their views about the validity of concepts included therein.
6 - Modifying the items in accordance with the vision of the arbitrators.
7 - Putting the list in its final form: where it came in four (4) themes of  intellectual security concepts; which are planting the right doctrine, legal science requirements, unity and cohesion of society, achieving moderation; including forty-three (43) concept distributed on the four themes.
8 - Content analysis for Unitarianism course of the  second grade preparatory in the light of the final list of intellectual security concepts.
      In the light of the previous steps, the researcher reached a number of results including:
1 - The order of the four themes of the concepts of intellectual security in terms of occurrences of the concepts and percentage were as follows: the first theme of planting the true faith by (44.24%), the legal science requirements (31.41%), the theme of unity and cohesion of society by (14.10%), then achieving moderation by (10.25%).
2 – The most available concepts of intellectual security in curriculum content of Unitarianism  of second grade  in Saudi Arabia are ten (10) concepts by repetition of (76.28%) of the total occurrences of concepts, including: Adjusting the terms of belief, and warning of not referring to God, reference to Sharia in the Quran and prophet Hadith. While the concepts represented less are seven (7) concepts by repetition of (4.49%) of the total occurrences of concepts; including: the rights of the Muslim ruler, the urge to take responsibility and contribute to the maintenance of security.
3 – The total number of concepts of security that are not available in the curriculum content for second grade preparatory in  Saudi Arabia, fourteen (14)  concepts at percentage of (32.56%) of the total concepts, with absence of three (3) concepts from the theme of planting the true faith per (6.98%) of the total concepts, and four (4) concepts from the theme of legal science requirements at percentage of (9.30%) of the total concepts, and three (3) for the theme of the concepts of unity and cohesion of society by (6.98 %) of the total concepts, and four (4) concepts of the theme of moderation to achieve a rate (9.30%) of the total concepts.
4 – The most forms of intellectual security concepts in the content of Unitarianism for the second grade preparatory in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the content of paragraphs where the number of concepts  are one hundred and twenty-four (124) concepts at the percentage (79.49%) of the total concepts.
5 - There were statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0,05) between the content topics Unitarianism curriculum for the second grade preparatory in terms of the number of concepts included therein.
     Based on the results of the descriptive analytical study, the researcher presented a number of recommendations including:
1 - Curriculum content of Unitarianism  for prep second grade  should include concepts of intellectual security to enhance behavioral dimension , and the need for distributing them well to achieve the appropriate relay and integration.
 2 - The care of individual and collective activities in the textbook, and include a number of concepts that contribute to enhancing intellectual security for students.


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