The effect of using the model of learning dimensions in the development of some mental habits in secondary students in the subject of jurisprudence

Document Type : Original Article



The weakness of students in the level of thinking skills in the curriculum of jurisprudence may be due to several reasons, including what relates to the student, and this is represented in the lack of investment and training for his mental abilities in devising Sharia judgment and the required mental processes that require him to provide him with Sharia ready without attempt.
Including what relates to the teacher and the way to teach it, where the teaching performance focuses on traditional methods centered around the teacher, so the aim of the current research is to know the effect of using the learning dimensions model in the teaching of fiqh for the secondary stage in the development of some mental habits and to achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher used the experimental experiment The model of learning dimensions in developing some mental habits of high school students in fiqh subject on a sample of first year high school students in Taif Governorate in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, their number reached (67) students divided into two groups, one is control and the other is experimental.
  The researcher used to reach the results of the research a measure to measure the habits of the mind among first-year students (the sample). The results of the research revealed in general that the use of the dimensions of learning in teaching fiqh in the secondary stage had a positive effect on the educational passage of students in the experimental group compared to the control group, where the use of the model contributed to teaching fiqh in the first grade in the development of mind habits among students of the experimental group, The results of the study showed that there were statistically significant differences of level (0.05) between the mean of the control and experimental groups in the post application of the mind habits scale and in favor of the experimental group.


المراجع الأجنبیة
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