Pre-teaching skills, goal-solving, learning content analyze, organize classroom and planning environment for study and define the methods and strategies of study

Document Type : Original Article



The goal of the research is to know pre-teaching skills, to know the mechanisms of formulating objectives, analyzing educational content, organizing the classroom environment, planning teaching and identifying teaching methods and strategies. It is also aimed at identifying the educational problems of the chapter resulting from not activating pre-teaching skills, and entering directly into the teaching process.
The current research has relied on the descriptive approach in the collection of research literature. The research community may be a female master- parallel - department of curriculum and general teaching methods for the academic year 1436-1437 H. The sample of the research consisted of the first division of the master's students - parallel - department of curriculum and teaching methods for the year 1436-1437 H
Some of the most important research results include:
1. The teaching process is an educational system, characterized by characteristics, interrelated stages, working in an integrated way to achieve specific educational goals.
2. The teaching system has key elements and components that depend on it in the performance of its educational role, and those components are the teacher, the learner, the curriculum, the educational environment and the feedback.
3. The relationship between the components of the teaching system is an internal, interactive and complementary relationship so that each affects the rest of the other elements and is affected
4. Modern roles in the teaching process for teacher, learner, curriculum, educational environment and feedback.
Problems, causes and solutions related to the teaching process for: teacher and learner


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