The Extent to Which Correct Concepts Are Included In jurisprudence (Fiqh) Book of the Third-Grade, Middle Education

Document Type : Original Article



The study aimed find out the extent to which the correct concepts are included in the Fiqh book for the third grade of the intermediate stage. The study used the descriptive method content analysis. A tool for content analysis was designed then, its sincerity and consistency was ensured. The study was limited to health education concepts appropriate for middle school students and the extent of their inclusion in prescribed fiqh books, in seven areas (personality, mental, preventive, sexual, environmental, psychological, and pharmacological). The results was as the following: the highest percentage of repetitions in the personality field is 92 recurrences out of 187 paragraphs, with a percentage of (49%), then the field of prevention came with a frequency of 47 And the percentage of 25%, and then came the field of psychological repetition of 16, with a rate of 9%, then the field of sexual repetition of 13, and by 7%, then the field of environmental repetition 9, and by 5%, and the field of mental repetition 6, and by 3%, and the field of drugs by repeating 4, and by 2%. This was due to the fact that the field of personality includes the concept of activity and sports, and also includes the singularity of performing acts of worship. Since Fiqh is the recalling of senses then it is a behavior. The least field was dealt with was drugs, and the reason for this is that the book of Fiqh for the third grade is average, most of it dealt with foods and clothing, what concerns their legal provisions. The most concepts in it were activity and sport, the cause mentioned earlier. Prevention of damages was the most widely discussed while, the least concept that has been dealt with was the forbidden sexual behaviors, it has never been mentioned, and the reason was previously mentioned in as a previous for the lack of medicines.


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