Evaluation of the Jurisprudence Course Content in the Secondary Stage in Scientific Institutes from the Viewpoints of the Teachers

Document Type : Original Article



The current study aimed to evaluate the content of the Jurisprudence course of the secondary stage students in the scientific institutes from the viewpoints of the teachers. The study made use of the descriptive method (survey method) and utilized a questionnaire as a data collection method. The researcher utilized the whole study population as a sample (all the teachers, totaling 159). The results of the study revealed the following: most of the respondents believe that the introduction contains the objectives of the course, the importance of the topics involved in the book and some instructions that help the teachers benefit from the book in teaching which are the most accepted items by the study participants. the least agreed about two items were (the introduction provokes the curiosity of the students and the educational topics & the study provides a synopsis concerning what has been studied linked to the current course). The study participants agreed about six items of the scientific materials and disagreed about eleven items. The study participants agreed about three items concerning the method of presenting the scientific material and disagreed about six items. The study participants agreed about the content items related to the content language and disagreed about one item (the course content uses easily understood terms and vocabulary for students) as the mean score was 2.33 and the ratio was 46.54%
