The Effectiveness of a Training Program Based on Mindfulness in Improving Academic Emotions and Reducing Cognitive Failure among Academically Struggling University Students

Document Type : Original Article


Educational Psychology department Faculty of Education, Helwan University, Egypt


The current study aimed to verify the effectiveness of a Training program based on mindfulness in improving positive academic emotions and reducing negative academic emotions and cognitive failure among academically struggling university students. The study sample consisted of (20) male and female students who were academically struggling at the Faculty of Education and was divided into (10) student at experimental groups and (10) student at control groups. The study tools were applied which included: program based on mindfulness (prepared by the researcher), the Academic Emotions Battery (prepared by the researcher), and the Cognitive Failure Scale (prepared by Broadbent et al., 1982). The Mann-Whitney test for independent measurements and the Friedman test for repeated measurements were used. The study resulted in statistically significant differences between the mean ranks of the experimental group and the control group in the post-measurement of each of the measures of positive academic emotions, negative academic emotions, and cognitive failure in favor of the experimental group. It also showed that there are statistically significant differences between the mean rank scores of the experimental group students in the repeated measurements (pre-post-following) in each of the positive emotions and its dimensions, negative emotions and its dimensions, and cognitive failure and its dimensions in favor of the two post- and follow-up measurements. In addition, the results stated that there were no statistically significant differences between the mean ranks of the experimental group’s scores on all dependent variables in the post- and follow-up measurements, which indicates the continued effectiveness of the program in improving academic emotions and reducing cognitive failure among the experimental group even after the end of the application period.


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