The Effectiveness of a Context-Based Learning Approach in Biology Teaching to Develop Analytical Thinking Skills, Academic Achievement, and Attitude toward the Subject for the First Year Secondary School Students

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of Science Biological and Geological Education Faculty of Education, Benha University, Eygpt


The current research aimed to identify the effectiveness of a context-Based learning approach in biology teaching to develop analytical thinking skills, academic achievement, and attitude toward the subject for first year secondary school students. To achieve this goal, a group of (73) female students from first year secondary school students was selected and divided into two groups: an experimental group (38) female students who studied the classification of living organisms unit assigned to them in the light of the context-based learning approach, and a control group of (35) who studied the same unit in the regular method. The instruments of the study were: an achievement test in the assigned unit at (remembering - understanding - applying) levels ,  an analytical thinking skills test in (asking questions - observing - identifying traits , comparing, classifying, identifying relationships, predicting) skills , and an attitude scale  towards biology. These three instruments were pre and post applied to the two study groups. The results of the research concluded the effectiveness of the context-based learning approach in teaching biology for developing the analytical thinking skills, academic achievement, and attitude toward biology among first-year secondary school students. Moreover, the research recommended using context-based learning in teaching biology for achieving its various objectives.


Main Subjects

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