Enhancing English Pre-service Teachers' Planning Competency through a Suggested ILOS-based Model

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of EFL Instruction Faculty of Education, October six University, Egypt


This study examined the effectiveness of the Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOS) model in enhancing lesson planning efficiency for pre-service English language teachers. The ILOS model classifies educational outcomes into knowledge and understanding, intellectual, professional, and transferrable outputs, extending Bloom's Taxonomy and aligning with the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation's standards. A quasi-experimental design was used, involving third-year students from the English Language Department, divided into a control group (40 students) and an experimental group (40 students). The control group planned lessons based on Bloom's Taxonomy, while the experimental group received training to use the ILOS model.The study employed a lesson planning rubric and a pre-post test administered before and after the intervention. Results indicated the effectiveness of the ILOS model in developing integrated lesson planning skills. The experimental group demonstrated improved ability to formulate lesson objectives correctly and determine appropriate content through objective analysis. Participants could construct a content matrix of agreement, select suitable teaching strategies, and use evaluation methods to assess the achievement of lesson objectives. The findings indicate that the proposed ILOS model significantly enhances the planning efficiency and overall competency of pre-service English language teachers. 

Key Terms: ILOS planning model, Planning competency, Bloom Taxonomy Content Matrix

Key Terms: ILOS planning model, Planning competency, Bloom Taxonomy Content Matrix


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