Proposed Concept for Developing Soft Skills of Public Primary School Principals (Females)

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Educational Administration, College of Education, Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


The study aimed to present a proposed concept for developing the soft skills of public primary school principals by diagnosing the current practice of soft skills among these principals in Riyadh and identifying the most important methods for their development. The descriptive-analytical method was applied, using a questionnaire and interview as data collection tools. The study sample consisted of 372 teachers who responded to the questionnaire and 30 principals who participated in personal interviews. The study reached several conclusions, including that the overall practice of soft skills by public primary school principals in Riyadh was rated highly, with a general arithmetic mean of 3.65. The skills were ranked as follows: time management, teamwork, communication, problem-solving and crisis management, and critical thinking. The results indicated that training programs, directed reading, self-development, and learning from others' experiences are among the most important methods for developing soft skills. The study also presented a proposed concept for developing the soft skills of school principals. In light of the results, the study recommended adopting the proposed concept.


Main Subjects

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