The Reality of Female General Education Teachers' Knowledge and Readiness for Applying Universal Design for Learning and Suggestions for its Improvement

Document Type : Original Article


Special Education Department College of Education, Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University


This study aimed to investigate the knowledge and readiness of female general education teachers for applying Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in general education schools across all educational stages (elementary- intermediate- secondary) in Riyadh. To achieve this aim, the survey descriptive approach was employed, as a questionnaire was designed for data gathering, including (35) items that were divided into two dimensions. After confirming its validity and reliability, it was distributed to the study sample that comprised (350) female teachers. The study results concluded that the level about UDL among female general education teachers was low, according to the study sample's perspective. The results also revealed that the level of those teachers' readiness for applying Universal design for learning was moderate. In addition, the teachers suggested the necessity of implementing training programs and workshops dealing with the concept of Universal design for learning, demonstrating its importance and how to apply it in the educational process.


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The First Arab Conference on Universal Design for Learning 14-17 November.