Use of Social Networking Sites and its Relationship to both the Psychological Loneliness Feeling and Identity Achievement among Adolescent Students

Document Type : Original Article


The National Center for Examinations and Educational Evaluation, Egypt


The research aimed to identify the relationship between the use of social networking sites and both of psychological loneliness feeling and identity achievement among adolescent students, and to identify the differences in the average scores of psychological loneliness and identity achievement according to the variable of gender (males, females) and specialization (literary, scientific). The research sample consisted of (214) male and female students in the secondary stage. The research tools were represented in the psychological loneliness scale for adolescent students (prepared by the researcher), the identity ranks scale prepared by (Abdul Rahman, 1998). The most important results of the research are:
There is a positive relationship between the weekly use of social networking sites and the total degree of psychological loneliness feeling and all its dimensions, There is a negative relationship between the use of social networking sites, the social identity achievement, and the total degree of identity achievement, while there is no relationship in the dimension of ideological identity achievement, There were statistically significant differences in the average of subjective feelings, social relationships and the total degree of psychological loneliness according to gender in favor of females, while there were no differences in the dimension of family relationships and relationships with friends according to gender.


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