Subjective Vitality as Predictors of Occupational Hardiness among University Staff Members

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Psychology, Faculty of Women for Arts, Science & Education, Ain Shams University, Egypt


The Study aimed to identify the level of subjective vitality and level of occupational hardiness among university staff members, and jdentiry the relation between subjective and occupational hardiness – where the researcher used the scale of subjective vitality and the scale of occupational hardiness where there applied to occupational hardiness where there applied to sample of (323) university staff members. To validati the hypotheses, the researcher used the spss (statistical package to analyse and statistically and process data), the researcher concluded that there are the researcher concluded that there are the researcher concluded that there are the high level of subjective vitality and occupational hardiness for the sample of university staff members, and there is positive relaton between subjective vitaliry and occupational hardiness. The resalts also revealed that the occupational hardiness can be pre-dicated through the scores of sample in subjective vitality keywords: subjective vitality, occupational hardiness.there is middle level of subjective vitality among the sample and also there is middle level of Occupational Hardiness among the sample .the results also revealed that there are not statistically significant differences at the level subjective vitality among the university staff members (dimensions and total score) according to gender and specialization ,aslso there are not statistically significant differences at the level of occupational hardiness among university staff members(dimensions and total score) according to gender and specialization.


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