Modeling of Causal Relationships Between Psychological Coping Skills, Professional Motivation and Job Involvement of Special Education Teachers

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Education, Minia University, Egypt


The aim of the study was to build a proposed theoretical model of the causal relationships between the three study variables, and then verify the validity of the proposed constructive model to explain the causal relationships between psychological coping skills (personal coping skill, professional coping skill, coping skill with students, coping skill with learning techniques), professional motivation and Job involvement among special education teachers. As well as examining the direct and indirect effects between the study variables and finding out the gender differences in the study variables, the study sample consisted of (132) special education teachers, and the researchers used three measures, namely: the measure of psychological coping skills and the measure of job involvement (preparation: researchers), and the measure of professional motivation (numbers of Gagné et al. (2015), localization and legalization: researchers). The results resulted in the correspondence of the proposed constructive model with the data of the study sample, and there was a direct and indirect causal effect of the study variables as described in the study, and the presence of statistically significant differences between the average male and female grades of special education teachers in personal coping skill, professional coping skill, coping skill with students, professional motivation, Job involvement in favor of males, and the absence of a statistically significant difference between the average male and female grades on the skill of coping with learning techniques, and in light of these results, a set of recommendations was formulated educational and research proposals.


Main Subjects

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