A suggested educational guide for developing tourist awareness   I have a Saudi kindergarten child

Document Type : Original Article


Taif University - College of Education - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


  Title: A proposed technical pedagogical guide for the development of tourism awareness among the Saudi kindergarten child
Dr / Hanan Hassan Ebrahim
     The aim of the current study is: identify the types of tourism in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia appropriate to the interests of the child in early childhood, and propose a technical educational guide, in order to develop the tourism awareness of the child of the Saudi kindergarten and has followed the current study (descriptive method).
The most prominent results were:Identifying specific types of tourism in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that correspond to the interests of the child of the Saudi kindergarten,-proposing a technical educational guide to develop the tourism awareness of the child of the Saudi kindergarten, including three key parts containing simplified tourist information and images For each type of study specified in the research and educational activities, and a photo album of tourist places visited by the child or wishes to visit.
By informing the child about the tourist photos and the knowledge of the simplified information and the practice of the child for the artistic educational activities and other activities of the specific tourist places, and confirmation of this by using the album for pasting pictures of his favorite places in the proposed directory, contribute The current study in the development of tourism awareness of the Saudi kindergarten child, which in turn promotes adaptation and belonging to the homeland

William.0 f 0 ,2014: Theobald Global Butter Worth Heinemann London.