Personal contentment and its relationship to emotional intelligence among a sample of Umm Al-Qura University students

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Psychology - Umm Al-Qura University


This study was seeking to detect Subjective Well-being and Emotional Intelligence in a
sample of Umm Al-Qura University students. The sample of this study consisted of 200
students applied a Subjective Well-being scale and Emotional Intelligence scale on them.
The results indicated that there are statistically significant differences in Subjective Wellbeing scale in it dimensions (Satisfaction with Life, Positive Affect, Negative Affect) for
the benefit of females in the dimension of Satisfaction with Life and Positive Affect. The
results showed statistically significant differences between married individuals and
sample aged 24 years and over. The results also showed that the dimension Negative
Affect was in favor of males and unmarried, and there are differences for the benefit of
the sample aged 18 year or less. The results also indicated that there are statistically
significant differences in the Emotional Intelligence scale in it dimensions (Selfconsciousness, Communications Management, Empathy) for the benefit of females, there
are also significant differences for married and sample aged 24 and over. The results also
showed that there are statistically significant differences in favor of males in the
dimension of the axis of dealing with others, and for the benefit of the sample aged 24
and over, and for non-married. It turns out that there was direct correlation between
Emotional Intelligence scale and some axis of Subjective Well-being at a level of
significance of (
