Cognitive Emotional Regulation Strategies and Their Relationship to Fear of Infection with the Corona Virus among a Sample of University Students

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of Mental Health - Faculty of Education - 6 October University


The Research aimed to identify the Relationship between cognitive emotional regulation strategies and fear of infection with the Corona virus, and to reveal the most commonly used cognitive emotional regulation strategies among university students. The research  sample consisted of (310) Helwan University students, (40) males and (270) females,The research tools consisted of Cognitive Emotional Regulation Strategies  Questionnaire by Garnefski & Kraaij (2006) - a Questionnaire to collect information about students to know their emotions about pandemic and Fear of Infection with the Corona Virus Questionnaire prepared by the researcher. The results of the research revealed that the most prevalent cognitive emotional regulation strategies are Positive Reappraisa - Refocusing on Planning - Putting things into perspective and a negative inverse correlation between the adaptive strategies and the total score of the scale of fear of infection with the Corona virus. It found a positive statistically correlation between the non-adaptive strategies and the fear of infection with the Corona virus.The results did not show differences in the strategies between males and females. While there were statistically differences on the scale of fear of infection with in favor of females. Also there were statistically differences between infected and non-infected students on the scale of fear of infection with the Corona virus, and after the fear of practicing daily behaviors in favor of students not infected with the Corona virus.


Main Subjects

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