The factorial structure of the psychological flow scale among graduate students at the Faculty of Education at Al-Baha University

Document Type : Original Article


Psychology Department, Faculty of Education, Al-Baha University


The aim of the research is to verify the proposed factorial model of the psychological flow scale suitable for the data of the research sample, and it relied on the descriptive approach, and used the psychological flow scale prepared by the researcher. Talent and creativity with group (B) art education on the total score of the scale in favor of group (B), and with group (B) physical education in favor of group (A), and with group (B) educational technology in favor of group (A), and with group (B) Curricula and teaching methods in favor of group (B), and with group (B) educational leadership in favor of group (B), and there are statistically significant differences between group (A) art education with group (B) talent and creativity in favor of group (A), and with group ( B) physical education in favor of group (A), with group (B) educational technology in favor of group (A), and between group (A) physical education with group (B) curricula and teaching methods in favor of group (B), and with group (B) leadership Educational technology in favor of group (B), and between group (A) educational technology with group (B) Curricula and teaching methods for the benefit of group (B), and with group (B) educational leadership for the benefit of group (B).


Main Subjects

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