Modeling Relationships among mindfulness, academic buoyancy, and mind wandering for first year secondary students.

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of education


The aim of this study was to unveil the relationship among Mindfulness, academic buoyancy, and Mind wandering for secondary school students, by modeling causal relationships use path analysis between the variables of the current study and identifying the differences in measuring the level of Mindfulness, academic buoyancy, and Mind wandering according to the variable of gender (male/female). To achieve this aim, the study sample consisting of (240) male and female from grades ten completed a set of tools, namely a Mindfulness scale Developed by: Baer, et al. (2006), academic buoyancy scale Developed by: Abdin (2018), Mind wandering scale Developed by the researcher. The conclusions are the followings:
1- Variables of the study forms structural model that explains causal relationships between Mindfulness, academic buoyancy, and Mind wandering where the values of the indicators are existed in the perfect average.
2- There is appositive direct effect of Mindfulness on academic buoyancy for first year secondary students.
3- There is a negative direct effect of Mindfulness on Mind wandering for first year secondary students.
4- There is a negative direct effect of academic buoyancy on Mind wandering for first year secondary students.


Main Subjects

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