Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Education- Benha university


The present study" A PROGRAM BASED ON THE SUCCESSFUL INTELLIGENCE THEORY FOR DEVELOPING THE FUTURE THINKING SKILLS AND DECISION-TAKING OF CHEMISTRY SECTION STUDENTS AT THE FACULTY OF EDUCATION" aimed at preparing a program based on the successful intelligence theory and investigating its effectiveness for developing the future thinking and decision-taking skills of chemistry section students at the faculty of education. The quasi-experimental design has been used and, as a result, only one group has been chosen for the post-application of the study instruments. The program has been administered on a group of male and female students (n = 30) enrolled at the chemistry section at the faculty of Education, Benha. The study instruments were the future thinking test and the decision-taking scale towards some future issues and problems. The findings showed that there were statistically significant differences between the students' scores means in the pre-testing and those in the post-testing on both the test of future intelligence skills and decision-taking scale. Consequently, the program was effective in developing the future thinking skills and decision-taking of chemistry section students at the faculty of education.
successful intelligence theory - future thinking skills - decision-taking-chemistry student teachers - preservice teacher preparation - science education - university level


Main Subjects

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