The effectiveness of Thomas and Robinson's strategy (PQ4R) in developing the scientific sense of the third intermediate grade female students in Al-Kharj Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


College of Education in AlKharj


This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of using Thomas and Robinson Strategy PQ4R in developing the scientific sense among female students at the third intermediate grade. The study adopted the quasi-experimental methodology. The sample of the study consisted of (48) female students, they were divided into two equivalent groups (control and experimental). To achieve objectives of the study, an educational material was prepared according to PQ4R Strategy, a test for measuring the cognitive aspect of scientific sense, and a scale for affective aspect of scientific sense. The results showed the effectiveness of using PQ4R Strategy in developing cognitive aspect and affective aspect of scientific sense among female students at the third intermediate grade. The results also showed the great effect of PQ4R strategy in developing scientific sense with its cognitive and affective aspects. In light of these results, the study recommended using metacognitive teaching strategies in teaching science and other subjects.
Key Words: PQ4R Strategy, Science, Scientific Sense, Third Intermediate


Main Subjects

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