The Reality of Using Digital Learning in Developing Twenty-First Century Skills in the Light of the Covid-19 Pandemic among Social Studies Teachers in the Second Cycle of Basic Education

Document Type : Original Article


Curriculum and Teaching Methods, Faculty of Education, Beni Suef University


The research aimed to identify the reality of using digital learning in developing twenty-first century skills in light of the Covid-19 pandemic among social studies teachers in the second cycle of basic education, and whether there are statistically significant differences among replies of the social studies teachers that can be attributed to factors of gender, experience, academic qualification as well as number of the technical courses on diagnosis of the digital learning reality with regard to enhancing twenty – first century skills. The research sample was comprised of (400) social studies teacher and divided into (210 males and 240 females). The research results concluded that level of social studies teachers in the second cycle of basic education with regard to the digital learning skills was weak, while their level with regard to the twenty – first century skills was average in the total score of both questionnaires, the results revealed that there was a statistically significant difference in the digital learning skills and the twenty – first century skills that could be attributed factors of experience years and the number of the technical courses, The research recommended the necessity of spreading the digital culture among teachers of social studies, and the need to prepare a comprehensive plan to spread the culture of the twenty-first century skills in the educational field and to raise awareness of the need to provide them to teachers and students.


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