The effect of using kosner parts in mathematics teaching on the achievement of fifth grade primary school students in Buraidah

Document Type : Original Article



Research Goals: the research aims to investigate the impact of using cuisenaire rods on mathematics achievement at remembering and understanding level for 5th grade students' at Boraidah city, and to build using Cuisenaire rods based guidance in mathematics at divisors and multiplications unit which contributes in enhancing mathematical HOTs for 5th grade students at Boraidah city,  The researcher followed the quasi design and designing the pre-post test group. The study population consist of 5th grade male students of 1435 H scholastic years, The researcher depended on random method in selecting the study sample, which consist of (49) male students from 5th grade from Al Tadamon Al Islami school at Boraidah city, since the students have been divided to two groups which are: Control group (24) students who studied divisors and multiplications with the conventional method. Experimental group (25) students who studied divisors and multiplications with the using of Cuisenaire rods method. The researcher used analysis covariance (ANCOVA) to test the study hypothesis. The study tools where a Cuisenaire rods using guidance prepared by the researcher to teach divisors and multiplications unit, and achievement exam prepared by the researcher on the same unit. The most important results of the study were: There werw statistical significant differences were found at level (α = 0.05) in the post-test achievement between experimental group's mean and control group's mean toward experimental group which tought divisors and multiplications with the using of Cuisenaire rods at both level of remembering and understanding, There are statistical significant differences were found at level (α = 0.05) in the post-test achievement between experimental group's mean and control group's mean toward experimental group which tought divisors and multiplications with the using of Cuisenaire rods at remembering level, There are statistical significant differences were found at level (α = 0.05) in the post-test achievement between experimental group's mean and control group's mean toward experimental group which tought divisors and multiplications with the using of Cuisenaire rods at understanding level.
