The Degree of Applying of the Electronic Management and its Relation to the Development of Administrative Work at Al Baha University.

Document Type : Original Article



The study aimed to analyze and measure  the degree of applying of electronic administration and its relation  to develop the administrative work for administrative staff at Al-Baha University from the point of view of the administrative staff and academic and administrative leaders.
          In this study the descriptive analytical approach was used, and also used in addition to  the basic study tool (Questionnaire),  the secondary study tool (Interview) aiming to achieve and get realistic results corresponding to the reality of present application. The study community formed from (704) administrative employers and (154) academic and administrative leaders. A random sample of ( 162 ) administrative staff members from both genders and a purposed sample of ( 21 ) academic and  administrative leaders based on their agreement.
The results obtained from the study: The degree of applying of electronic administration at Al-Baha University from the point of view of the study sample people is a medium degree whether in terms of infrastructure and legislation or from the applications or from the interaction with electronic management.
Also there is a significantly relationship among Electronic management and the development of administrative work at Al-Baha University from the point of view of the study sample people. 
