Administrative Use of Social Networking Sites in Saudi Universities

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Educational Planning and Administration, College of Social Sciences, Al-Imam Muhammad Bin Saud Islamic University, KSA


The study aimed to identify the reality of administrative Use of Social Networking Sites in Saudi Universities, the uncover the obstacles that limit the administrative Use of Social Networking Sites, and to put forward suggestions which reinforce the administrative Use of Social Networking Sites in Saudi Universities.
The study used descriptive survey method, and questionnaire as a tools, It was applied on a random sample of academic staff members in Saudi universities of (648) members.
The most important results of this study were the following:
-        The reality of the dministrative Use of Social Networking Sites in Saudi Universities came in an (average) degree, The dimensions came as follows:admission and academic advising services, which came in (high) degree, Then the rest of the dimensions came in (average) degree, management of university services, outreach to the community, support scientific research activities.
-        There is a (high) agreement among the study sample on the obstacles that limit the dministrative Use of Social Networking Sites in Saudi Universities.
-         There is a (high)  agreement among the study sample on the suggestions which reinforce the dministrative Use of Social Networking Sites in Saudi Universities.
