The Status-quo of Practicing the Standards of Administrative Excellence among the Education Directors in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Document Type : Original Article



The current study aimed at discovering the status-quo of practicing the administrative excellence among the education directors in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the light of some variables. The study adopted the descriptive method for fulfilling its purpose. The study population included all the directors of the education directorates in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia (totaling 46) and their co-directors (143) as what was cited by the General Secretariat of Education Departments during the academic year 1437/1438 A.H.  A questionnaire was developed and administered to the directors and co-directors in all the regions and governorates in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The results of the study revealed that the degree of practicing the administrative excellence among the education directors, form the co-directors’ viewpoints was “average”. The study showed that the difficulties, which limit the development of the education directors’ performance were “major” ones. Additionally, the financial, physical, and technical difficulties come first. The human difficulties come last with a “major” degree. The results of the study showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the individual responses that may be attributed the experience
