Determining the training needs for the primary stage teachers in Al-Farawaniyah region, Kuwait

Document Type : Original Article



The purpose of the study is to investigate the training needs for elementary female teachers in al-Frawanyeh educational directorate in the state of Kuwait. A random sample of (100) female teachers was selected, ad the researcher administrated a questionnaire consisted of (320 items distributed into four domains; lessons planning, lessons execution, classroom management an assessment. The findings of the study showed that the means of all domains ranged between (3.20-3.71) in a high evaluation degree. Further, there are significant statistical differences at the level of (α =0.05) attributed to scientific qualification in favor of Bs degree holders in all domains and total degree, and for experience variable in favor of   5- 10 years experience in lessons planning, lessons execution and classroom management and evaluation and needs as a whole. Moreover, there are significant statistical differences at the level of (α =0.05) attributed to training courses variable in favor of one training course. Based on the findings the researcher recommended the need to reconsider training programs for teachers according to their training needs especially in evaluation and classroom management
