The Difficulties Encountered by the Botany Course Female Students from their Viewpoints in the Light of some Variables

Document Type : Original Article



The present study aimed at identifying the most important difficulties encountered by the female students on studying the course of “The Basics of Botany”, Department of Science, Faculty of Basic Education. The sample of the study consisted of 69 female students from the Science Department in the Micro-biology and Botany Unit at the Faculty of Basic Education in the General Organization of the Empirical Learning and Training. The participants were deliberately assigned and their ages ranged from 17-25 years from those enrolled in the Basics of Botany course during the second term 2016 / 2017. A questionnaire, delineating the causes of such difficultiesm, was developed consisting of 16 items under two dimensions and the total degree ranged from (16-64). Furthermore, Interviews were conducted with the faculty staff members in the Botany and Microbiology departments. The interview consisted of eight closed questions and an open one. The descriptive method was adopted for fulfilling the study purpose. The results of the study showed that the students enrolled in the course of “Basics of Science” encounter average difficulties; additionally, there were statistically  significant differences between the practical and theoretical difficulties. Furthermore, there were no statistically significant differences due to the age, date of certificate attainment in relation to the difficulty; on the other hand, the theoretical variable results and differences were between science and math and the results were in favor of science.
