Effectiveness of The Big6 Model in Developing Student Teachers’ EFL Multimodal Writing Skills

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Helwan University, Egypt


This research sought to determine the effectiveness of a suggested program based on the Big6 Model in developing student teachers’ EFL multimodal writing skills. Participants were 100 third year students from the general sector of the English department at a Faculty of Education in Egypt. They were equally divided into an experimental and another control group and the quasi-experimental pretest- posttest design was used. Both groups were pretested and post tested on the EFL Multimodal Writing Test, scored by two raters according to the rubric developed by the researcher. Participants of the experimental group were taught the suggested program based on the Big6 Model and were asked to write reflection reports describing their learning experiences during the program administration. The statistical analysis of the participants’ results on the post administration of the EFL Multimodal Writing Test showed that the experimental group outperformed the control one on the post administration of the test. The Big6 Model based program had a large effect size (d=2.24) and the experimental group students developed their information search skills as well as their multimodal writing skills.


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