Designing some integrated industrial projects and measuring their effectiveness in development Entrepreneurship skills and attitude among industrial Secondary School students

Document Type : Original Article


Department of curriculum and methods of teaching, Faculty of education, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt.


Research objective: Determining the Entrepreneurship skills that should be developed among students of the decoration and advertising specialization in the industrial secondary school, then developing a proposed concept for the design of some small industrial projects for these students, project chosen is (printing by silk screen) and it is one of the projects that have been identified for third-grade students, then teaching this project to students to measure its effectiveness in developing concepts and skillful and Entrepreneurship performances and the direction towards them, Research results: There is an improvement in the cognitive, skill and Entrepreneurship performance of students after teaching this project - as it excelled Students in post-performance on the scale of the trend towards projects - and there is a positive correlation between the results of the cognitive test, the skillful and Entrepreneurship performance observation card, and the attitude towards projects scale, which means that the rise in performance levels in the cognitive test is accompanied by an increase in the performance levels in the note card, Students' attitudes towards projects, which were presented to them, improved in a way that combines theoretical and practical aspects in a meaningful standardized. Research recommendations: Adopting entrepreneurship education as a comprehensive concept educational and training system. So it must be included in pre-service teacher preparation programs, and in their in-service training programs - Encouraging civil society institutions to support the education dimensions of leadership in the educational system - building curricula in accordance with modern curricular regulations.


Main Subjects

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