Behavioral and emotional disorders and its relationship to being bullied as a victim among secondary school students in Al-Baha city in light of Corona pandemic

Document Type : Original Article


Special Education, Faculty of Education, Al Baha University, Al Baha City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


The study aimed to identify prevalence rates of behavioral and emotional disorders and its relationship to exposure to bullying among secondary school students in Al-Baha city, In light of Corona pandemic. The study sample included (195) students, (90) male and (105) female. The behavioral and emotional disorders scale was used, prepared by the researcher, includes dimensions: opposition- defiant , social withdrawal, anxiety, attention deficit, impulsivity, and conduct disorders, and a scale of cyberbullying as a victim, includes dimensions: electronic (disguise, stealth, harassment, tracking). The study follows the relational descriptive approach. The results showed that the prevalence rates for the dimensions of behavioral and emotional disorders ranged between (41.52% - 23.58%), and the prevalence rates for the dimensions of exposure to cyberbullying ranged between (18.97% - 7.69%). there was a positive correlation between behavioral and emotional disorders and exposure to cyberbullying, the correlation coefficients ranged between (.297-491). There were statistically significant differences between in the dimension opposition- defiant , attention deficit and conduct disorder in favor of males, where the value of (T) was (3.132 - 2.368 - 4.697), respectively, with a significant level of (0.01). There were statistically significant differences in the overall degree of exposure to cyberbullying as a victim in favor of males, where the value of (T) (4.080) reached a level of significance (0.), There were significant differences in differences in electronic (disguise, stealth, harassment), in favor of males, where the value of (T) was (4.948 - 3.792 - 2.422), respectively, a significant level of (0.01).


Main Subjects

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