Learning agility in its relation to teacher's personality factors

Document Type : Original Article


psychology department faculty of education Menoufia University


This research occurred on (238) male & female of primary, preparatory & secondary teachers in Egypt with age average (38.86) years & standard deviation (8.27) years within the 1st term of (20 / 2021) academic year, to reveal: their levels of learning agility, the differences between them in it according to their gender & age ,the relation of their learning agility scores to their personality factors scores, the differences in this relation according to gender & age and the probability to predict of their learning agility scores form their personality factors scores, two tools were used: a scale of learning agility prepared by the researcher and the Goldberg (1999) big five personality inventory which retranslated by the researcher, extracted data was analyzed using SPSS & SAS programs, results referred to an ( less than average level) in learning agility and gender & age caused fundamental differences in the level of some learning agility dimensions but not in the total score, the correlation matrix among big five personality factors and learning agility (dimensions & Total scores) was extracted, also gender & age caused fundamental differences between some personality factors and total learning agility, the percent of combined contribution of personality factors in learning agility scores was extracted , also the present of contribution of each factor in learning agility scores, so some educational recommendations and new search points had been submitted .


Main Subjects

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