Academic well- Being and its relation to Trait meta –mood among female university students

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Psychology –Women's Faculty –Ain Shams University


The objective of this research was to determine the level of academic well –being and trait meta –mood among female university students ,find out the relationship between the two variables , the differences in the two variables according to the grade of study and the possibility of prediction of academic well- being level trait meta –mood level .Participants were (237) students from secondary to fourth grades, Dept. of educational psychology ,Women faculty Ain Shams university aged ( 20.94±0.9 years ). By using two tools: Academic well-being scale and trait meta – mood scale . The results revealed a moderate level of academic well –being and trait meta- mood among university students , a significantly positive relationship between academic well- being and trait meta- mood (R=0.62), there were no differences in academic well-being and trait meta- mood according to grade of study and the trait meta mood contributed in predicting of academic well- being, academic engagement and academic efficacy explaining 0.39% ,0.29% and 0.25% of the variance respectively.


Main Subjects

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