Long and Short-Term Impact of Problem-Based and Example-Based STEM Learning on the Improvement of Cognitive Load among Egyptian and Omani Learners

Document Type : Original Article


1 University of Technology and Applied Sciences(UTAS)-Rustaq-Sultanate of Oman

2 Educational Psychology Department, Faculty of Education, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt.


The study's main objective was to investigate the long and short-term effects of problem-based and example-based stem learning on enhancing cognitive load among Egyptian and Omani students. The sample population comprised of 350 teachers and educational stakeholders aged (25-60 years) - an equal number of respondents was drawn from each country. Mixed methods were employed in this research to test the validity of the hypotheses and draw relationships between STEM learning and cognitive load. The tools for data collection were teacher reports, student performance, and engagement reports, questionnaire. The data were analyzed using the Pearson correlation, linear regression, and the Chi-square test. The study results showed that example and problem-based learning methods were superior, particularly peer modeling, erroneous working examples, and standard working examples. The effective peer modeling pedagogical interventions were observing animation, psychomotor skills, self-efficacy, earning/retention, and highly structured problems. The integration of the pedagogical interventions in STEM learning could unlock critical thinking and creative skills among learners, leading to better extraneous, germane, and intrinsic cognitive loads; this would translate to higher success rates in STEM education national development. On the downside, there are critical constraints to unlocking students' potential such as an unclear vision and mission for STEM graduates with university level and new systems.


Main Subjects

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