Psychological immunity and its relationships to both Self – Transcendence and Coronavirus Infection Anxiety for a sample of elementary primary teachers in light of some demographic variables

Document Type : Original Article


Mental health, Faculty of Education, Minia University


This study aimed to investigate the relationships among psychological immunity and each self – Transcendence and Coronavirus Infection Anxiety (CIA) for a sample of (93) Minia elementary primary teachers. The study tools were totally prepared by the researcher, and they were; psychological immunity questionnaire, self – transcendence questionnaire and coronavirus infection Anxiety questionnaire. Study results showed an average level of psychological immunity for both groups of study sample; infected with COVID-19 and noninfected teachers. There were significant positive correlation at the level of (0.01) among psychological immunity, its dimentions, self – Transcendence and its dimensions while negative correlation were been at the level of (0.01) among psychological immunity and its dimentions, and CIA and its dimention except the relationships among both dimention of psychological immunity; personal contentment and both dimentions of CIA (obssissive ideas and behavior disorder), and good communication and obssissive ideas were been significant at level of (0.05). Results revealed that ther were no differences in psychological immunity due to gender, age groups, or infected/ noninfected groups. Self – Transcendence contributed statistically significant (44.7%) of psychological immunity variability; while both self – Transcendence and CIA contributed statistically significant (52.8%) of psychological immunity variability. According to study results, some recommendations and suggested researches were discussed


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