The effectiveness of Solution –Focused Brief therapy to improve vocational self-efficacy and reduce career future anxiety among postgraduate students

Document Type : Original Article


Minia University ,faculty of Education ,Mental health department


The current research aimed at recognizing the effectiveness of solution- focused brief therapy in improving vocational self-efficacy and reducing career future anxiety among postgraduate students at Faculty of Education. The sample research was (173) and they were unemployed, they were (25-36) years old, with mean (26.78) years. The research tools consisted of vocational self-efficacy scale, and career future anxiety scale (prepared by researcher). The experimental sample consisted of (20) male and female students. The researcher applied the solution focused brief therapy program (prepared by researcher). The results indicated that: the effectiveness of the SFBT in improving vocational self-efficacy and reducing career future anxiety among the experimental group. There weren’t significant differences between male and female of the experimental group after applying the program .There weren’t significant differences between post and follow-up measurement of the experimental group .The results were discussed in the light of the theoretical frameworks and the literature review. The study recommends conducting more careers counseling programs for university youth to improve their professional abilities and help them making appropriate career decisions.


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