Consequences of Corona Pandemic (covied 19) on A Sample of Children with disability as perceived by their mothers and its relationship to their emotional security .

Document Type : Original Article


1 Autism Department. Faculty of Sciences for Special Needs BENI SUEF University

2 mental health department , faculty of education


The aim of Research is to identify the consecoences of the Corona pandemic on children with disabilities from the mothers' point of view, and the relationship with their emotional Security, as well as to reveal the differences in the research variables that It is attributed to some demographic variables (the type of the child, the type of the child's disability, the level of the child's disability, and the level of education of the mother. the research reached several results, the most important of which are: 98% of mothers indicated the presence of negative effects of the Corona pandemic on them and their children. The degree of impact on children varies according to the area of influence. Where (61%) of mothers indicated that the Corona pandemic affected the behavior of their children negatively, while (56%) of mothers indicated that the rehabilitation process was clearly affected, and (36%) of mothers believed that the pandemic a It negatively affected the psychological state of their children. The study also found a negative correlation between mothers' awareness of the consecoences of the Corona pandemic, their emotional Security , and the absence of statistically significant differences in emotional Secuirity and the consequences of the Corona pandemic on the disabled child from the mother's point of view attributable to the type of the child and to the level of disability., for the mother's education level


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