Path Analysis of the Relationships between Psychological Stress, Emotional Cognitive Regulation, Achievement Motivation and Engagement in Distance Learning among University Students in light of the COVID-19

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, Fayoum University


The study aimed to uncover the role of psychological stress, achievement motivation, and emotional cognitive regulation in in Engagement in Distance Learning in light of the COVID-19 among university students, and to verify the possibility of arriving at a model that explains the causal relationships between the study variables through path analysis. The sample for verifying the psychometric properties of the study tools consisted of (627) male and female students, and the basic sample consisted of (775) male and female students from the university. The study found a statistically significant positive direct effect of psychological stress in light of the Corona pandemic on achievement motivation, the presence of a direct negative statistically significant effect of negative emotional regulation strategies on motivation, the presence of a direct positive statistically significant effect of positive emotional regulation inEngagement in Distance Learning, and the presence of a direct effect Statistically positive positive effect of positive emotional organization in achievement motivation, the presence of a positive, statistically significant, direct effect of achievement motivation inEngagement in Distance Learning, and the presence of a statistically significant positive indirect effect of psychological stress in light of the Corona pandemic inEngagement in Distance Learning through achievement motivation as a mediating variable, And the existence of a statistically significant positive indirect effect of positive emotional regulation inEngagement in Distance Learning through achievement motivation as a mediating variable, and a statistically significant negative indirect effect of negative emotional regulation on engaging in learning through achievement motivation as a mediating variable


Main Subjects

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