Future Professional Anxiety and Its Relationship to Mindfulness, Academic Self-Efficacy, and the Level of Achievement among Students of Specific and Regular Programs at Faculty of Education

Document Type : Original Article


Educational Psychology- faculty of Education- Mansoura University- Egypt


The current research aims at investigating the relationship between future professional anxiety on one hand and mindfulness, academic self-efficacy and achievement level among students of the specific and regular programs at Faculty of Education. The research sample consisted of (311) students of science (biology, chemistry, and mathematics) at fourth year in the specific and regular programs (127 students in specific programs, and 184 students in regular programs). The following research tools, prepared by the researcher, were applied to them: future professional anxiety scale, mindfulness scale, and academic self-efficacy scale. Results of the research illustrated that students of regular programs suffered from future professional anxiety in its dimensions more than students of specific programs. In addition, students of specific programs excelled over their counterparts of the regular programs in mindfulness. However, there were no differences between the students of both programs in academic self-efficacy, and there was a negative relationship between future professional anxiety on one hand, and mindfulness and academic self-efficacy on another hand. Furthermore, there were differences between students of high and low levels in academic achievement in future professional anxiety in favor of those who have low academic achievement among students of specific programs. Besides, future professional anxiety and mindfulness contributed in a large percentage to predicting academic self-efficacy among fourth year students specialized in scientific fields at Faculty of Education


Main Subjects

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