The Effect of Employing Task Complexity with Recasts on Improving Grammar Acquisition among EFL Egyptian Learners

Document Type : Original Article


قسم المناهج وطرق التدریس، کلیة التربیة جامعة 6اکتوبر


The main purpose of the current study was to explore the effects of utilizing task complexity when associated with recasts on improving grammar acquisition among EFL Egyptian learners, as well as its effect on relation between aptitude and EFL learners’ grammar acquisition after recasts. To achieve the purpose of the study, 120 elementary FL learners were divided in two experimental groups: one of them finished complex decision-making assignments, while the other group accomplished simple information transmission assignments. Recasts were provided as a reaction to the participants’ errors when they used the present third person singular verb forms. To collect the data, the researcher used these tools; elicited imitation tests, oral production, and written production to measure EFL grammar acquisition, in addition to LLAMA D, LLAMA E, and LLAMA F to evaluate learners' aptitude. The results showed that it was more useful to employ tasks with less difficult cognitive demands. In complex task conditions, the grammar acquisition was predicted through the outcomes of the participants in LLAMA D, which measured both oral and written production. Added to this, grammar acquisition was also predicted by the learners' performance on LLAMA E, which was measured over elicited imitation.


Main Subjects

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