Difficulties facing gifted teachers related to the enrichment curriculum in the gifted programs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Document Type : Original Article


Educational supervisor, Department of Education, Hail Region


The aim of the research is to find out the difficulties facing gifted teachers, related to the dimension of planning, implementation and evaluation in the gifted programs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and to reveal the proposed perception of the difficulties facing gifted teachers in the gifted programs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The current research used the descriptive and analytical approach. The current research community consisted of all teachers of gifted students in talented schools in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and the research sample consisted of (50) teachers and gifted students, the researcher used the questionnaire as a tool to collect the necessary information about the research, a number of Statistical methods, including: iterations, percentages, ranks, mean, and Alpha Cronbach coefficient (Cronbach, sAlpha). Among the most prominent results of the search There is a disparity in the sample members ’approval of the questionnaire expressions with regard to the planning dimension, where the averages ranged between (3.37: 2.58 out of 4) which are averages between the following categories (very large and large) of the quadruple scale categories, and indicates the response (I strongly agree I agree), respectively. There is a discrepancy in the sample members ’approval of the questionnaire expressions regarding the implementation dimension, where the averages ranged between (82.5: 69.5 out of 4) which are averages between the following categories (very large and large) from the quadruple scale categories, and indicates the response (I strongly agree I agree), respectively. There is a disparity in the sample members ’approval of the questionnaire statements regarding the evaluation dimension, where the averages ranged between (3.3: 2.76 out of 4) and they are averages between the following categories (very large and large) from the quadrant scale categories, and indicate the response (I strongly agree I agree), respectively. The results of the research also revealed the proposed perception of the difficulties facing gifted teachers in the gifted programs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Main Subjects

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