Effectiveness of the psychological flow program in developing emotional creativity among Female students at childhood department, faculty of education, Aswan University.

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in Psychological sciences -Cairo University Assistant professor of special education- Northern Border University

2 Aswan University Faculty of Education


The aim of the current research is to identify the relationship between female students' scores on the emotional creativity scale and their scores on psychological flow scale, as well as verify the effectiveness of a program based on psychological flow in developing emotional creativity among a sample of the female. The study sample consisted of 100 students in the fourth year, Childhood department, Faculty of Education, Aswan University were 6 of them as an experimental group. These 6 students were chosen with the lowest scores on the emotional creativity scales. The study tools included the Shortened Spanish Version of the Emotional Creativity Inventory (Soroa, Gorostiaga, Aritzeta, & Balluerka, 2015), The Flow state Scale (Jackson & Marsh, 1996) (translated by the researchers). The socio-cultural-economic level Scale (Al-Hawarden, 2000), and the training program (By researchers).
 The study used the semi-experimental approach, and the results showed a statistically significant correlation between female students’ mean scores on the psychological flow scale and their degrees on the emotional creativity scale. It was found statistically significant differences between the pre- and post- applications in favor of the numerical application. It was shown that the program continues to be effective after the period of follow-up, In light of the results, the two researchers concluded the need to design and implement counseling programs based on psychological flow that seeks to develop some variables of positive psychology.


Main Subjects

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