The Effectiveness of Solution Focused Brief Counseling in increasing Research self-efficacy and its impact on reducing Research Anxiety in Special Diploma Students

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of Mental Health Faculty of education Minia University


The current study aims at identifying :The correlation relationship between research self-efficacy and research anxiety, The effectiveness of Solution Focused Brief Counseling in increasing Research self-efficacy and its impact on reducing Research Anxiety in Special Diploma Students , and the continuity of Solution Focused Brief Counseling program in the follow - up measurement ( after passing 3 months ) in increasing Research self-efficacy and its impact on reducing Research Anxiety. Counselling sample consisted of (8) students from Special Diploma Students, age range (29.5 – 37.3) years old, with mean age (33.59), and stander deviation (2.6). The tools of the study are Research self-efficacy, Research Anxiety, and acceptance and Solution Focused Brief Counseling program prepared by the researcher. The following results were reached: The effectiveness of Solution Focused Brief Counseling program in reducing increasing Research self-efficacy and its impact on reducing Research Anxiety in Special Diploma Students this has been illustrated in the post  and follow - up measurements.


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