Requirements for achieving quality and accreditation for commercial secondary schools in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


Tahta Educational Administration, Sohag Governorateفبش


          This research aims to identify the reality of commercial education and to identify the theoretical foundations of the requirements for achieving quality and accreditation and to identify the basic requirements for achieving quality and accreditation for commercial secondary education and to present a proposed conception of how to achieve quality and accreditation for commercial secondary education in Egypt. The research used the descriptive approach. The research included the requirements of institutional capacity five axes. Requirements related to vision and mission, requirements related to leadership and governance, requirements related to material and human capabilities, requirements related to community participation, requirements related to quality assurance, accountability, and educational effectiveness requirements. The results of the research resulted in the existence of a vision and mission that fit the capacity of the institution, the presence of a leadership that adopts the concept of quality in all its dimensions, and the availability of material and human resources sufficiently to raise the quality of work. The educational institution should be open to society so that there is mutual interaction between Rafin., All employees must be subject to accountability and continuous evaluation of work to ensure the quality of work and the learner is the focus of the educational process, so he must benefit from all the programs and activities provided to him.


Main Subjects

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