The Effectiveness of Unit enrichment In Home Economics Basid on Interesting Learning Strategies in developing Neural Branching Thinking Skills and Motivation Performance For primary school Students

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Specific education - Alexandria University


Study purpose to investigate the effectiveness of Unit enrichment In Home Economics Basid on Interesting Learning Strategies in developing Neural Branching Thinking Skills and Motivation Performance for primary school Students, The study adopted the semi-experimental, The study sample consisted of (68) female students which were divided into experimental group and control group, the researcher designed the study tools (Neural Branching Thinking Skills test, and Motivation Performance scale) Prepared by the researcher, then the study tools were pre- administered, Then post- administered, The data was analysed, The results of the study showed that were statistically significant differenc between the mean scores of the study sample in their performance in the pre and post administration of the Neural Branching Thinking Skills test favoring the post administration. Results also indicated that there were statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the study sample in their performance in the pre and post administration of Neural Branching Thinking Skills test and the Motivation Performance scale test favoring the post -administration. and there were statistically significant differenc between the mean scores of experimental study group in the pre- and post administration favoring the post administration, In addition, and there was a positive correlation between developing Neural Branching Thinking Skills and Motivation Performance For the experimental group students, It was recommended that there is a need to pay attention to Neural Branching Thinking Skills and Motivation Performance in teaching Home Economics in all levels of education



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