The Predictive Ability of Self-defeating and Emotional Regulation With Polarized Thinking Among University Students

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department Educational of Psychology, Faculty of Education, Sohag University, Sohag, Sohag

2 Faculty of Education- Sohag University


The present study aimed to reveal the predictive ability of self-defeating and emotional regulation with polarized thinking among university students. The study was conducted on a sample of (421) male and female students from college of Education at Sohag University (20-22) years. The descriptive method was used in applying the study tools and answering its questions. The authors prepared the study tools which are self-defeating scale, emotional regulation scale, and polarized thinking scale, then check the psychometric properties of these tools. The study found that the level of self-defeating among the sample is low, the level of emotional regulation among the study sample is high, and the level of polarized thinking among the sample is low, also the results of the study found that self-defeating is suitable for use in predicting polarized thinking as the regression coefficient was ( 9.188) It is a statistically significant value at the level of (0.001), and the emotional regulation can be used to predict polarized thinking as the regression coefficient was (- 6.158) which is statistically significant value at the level of (0.001). The study presented a set of recommendations, including urging specialists in social sciences Psychological and psychological medicine to help society members get rid of the effects of self-defeating and the apparent sense of inferiority, frustration and loss of vigor, activating the role of universities and other educational institutions and various media by increasing awareness of emotional regulation and employing its methods in various situations, holding workshops and seminars for different groups of society to clarify the effects of polarized thinking on social interaction


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